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The Ten Trials of Abraham The Ten Trials of Abraham (first mentioned in Pirkei Avos 5:4 and elucidated in later commentaries) charts the dramatic spiritual and personal journey of the first man to recognize and obey God. His journey begins with the wrenching pain of exile…
A Personal View: Elisha Triptych (2019) by Richard McBee (60” x 60”) Created for Spinoza: Marrano of Reason, Amsterdam, March 2019 Baruch Spinoza’s role as one of our greatest groundbreaking heretics can only be fully appreciated in light of the role heresy plays in the complex…
Narrative Series Each of these series of paintings creates a distinct narrative; i.e. a story with a beginning, middle and end. They are meant to be seen as a complete group in a specific order,…
Narrative Series Each of these series of paintings creates a distinct narrative; i.e. a story with a beginning, middle and end. They are meant to be seen as a complete group in a specific order, and unfold episodically just like the stories in…
Narrative Series Each of these series of paintings creates a distinct narrative; i.e. a story with a beginning, middle and end. They are meant to be seen as a complete group in a specific order, and unfold episodically just like the stories in…
Genesis 28:10-22 10 And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran. 11 And he lighted upon a certain place, and remained there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows,…
THE SARAH PAINTINGS OF RICHARD MCBEE Traditionally the family has been a narrative institution: It was the past and it had a tale to tell of how things began, including the child himself; and it had counsel to give. Lionel Trilling, Sincerity and Authenticity (1972), p.…
All images of Richard McBee's artwork may be reproduced for personal use. Any commercial use must be approved in writing by the artist. The use of images of other artwork on this website must be approved by those…
Written by Laura Kruger The curtains have parted, the orchestra has forewarned us of an impending tragedy; the characters take their places center stage to interact with each other in a story that is well known to the audience. But like a great opera, it…
Written by Richard McBee God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, Sarah’s only child. Our forefather gets up early and obeys, not telling Sarah his wife of 47 years. According to Rashi (Genesis 23:2) when she finds out about this, she dies of shock.…© 2025. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.