In desperation, Lot’s daughters commit incest with their father. What are the consequences? One child that is born is named Moab, the ancestor of Ruth and the Davidic line of the Messiah. Other descendants are the Moabite women who seduce the Israelites in the Wilderness…

Serach bat Asher and Jacob Midrash ha-Gadol, Genesis, 46:25 [The brothers said:] If we tell him [Jacob] right away “Joseph is alive!” perhaps he will have a stroke. What did they do? They said to Serach the daughter of Asher, “Tell our father Jacob that…

Biblical and Midrashic Texts Sarah Redux by Tom L. Freudenheim Sarah vs. Abraham by Menachem Wecker (Houston Chronicle) Painting Sarah by Jonathan Mark (Jewish Week) Sarah’s Trials: The Opera by Laura Kruger A Woman’s Voice in a Man’s Mouth by Judith Margolis Sarah’s Trials:…