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Contemporary Book Art and Hebrew Texts The “book” is a mighty big place these days and the current exhibition at MOBIA, As Subject and Object: Contemporary Book Artists Explore Sacred Hebrew Texts is no exception.  Highly mobile eBooks compete with online publications and traditionally bound…
Arthur Szyk (1947) Jacob Steinhardt (1957) David Wander (2011) The megillahs beg to be illustrated.  Each is associated with a notable holiday and each presents an idiosyncratic view of Jewish history and experience.  Those that are not overtly narrative cry out to be narrated while…
Megillah Esther by David Wander Ahashverous and Memuchan, illumination and calligraphy by David Wander, Megillah Esther (2007) Such a nice story the Megillah Esther is, don’t you think?  The poor Jews are in exile far from home and get into a bit of trouble with God…© 2025. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.