Vashti’s Tail
1990 20" x 20" Relief
Talmud: Megillah 12b.
And the queen Vashti refused. Let us see. She was immodest, as the Master said above, that both of them had an immoral purpose. Why then would she not come? — R. Jose b. Hanina said: This teaches that leprosy broke out on her. In a Baraitha it was taught that Gabriel came and fixed a tail on her.
Used with permission of the Davka Corporation.
Vashti’s Tail
1996 68" x 68"
Talmud: Megillah 12b.
And the queen Vashti refused. Let us see. She was immodest, as the Master said above, that both of them had an immoral purpose. Why then would she not come? — R. Jose b. Hanina said: This teaches that leprosy broke out on her. In a Baraitha it was taught that Gabriel came and fixed a tail on her.
Used with permission of the Davka Corporation.