Leah & Rachel Pregnant
2014 24" x 24"
Jacob's two wives are pregnant at the same time, initially with 2 boys. In the
interest of peace because she already had many sons, Leah's child was miraculously changed into a girl, Dinah. (Midrash)
Rape of Dinah
2014 24" x 24"
Dinah innocently went out to explore her surroundings and was raped by Shechem, prince of his city. (Genesis 34:1-4)
Slaughter of the Men of Shechem
2014 24" x 24"
Dinah's brothers Simon and Levi wreak vengeance for the rape of their sister, murdering the entire male population and plundering the city.
(Genesis 34:25-29)
Jacob Saves Asenath
2014 24" x 24"
Dinah, raped by Shechem, gave birth to Asenath. The baby was seen as the child of shame by Dinah's murderous brothers. To save her she was sent away by her grandfather Jacob with a necklace that identified her as "Holy" and taken by an angel down to Egypt. (Midrash)
Asenath Arrives in Egypt
2014 24" x 24"
Once in Egypt, Asenath was adopted by the childless couple, Mr. & Mrs. Potiphar. (Midrash)
Asenath Discovered by Joseph
2014 24" x 24"
Joseph, fully accustomed to his role as Egyptian Prime Minister, is adored by all the Egyptian women but notices one shy maiden who seems different. (McBee)
Asenath Brings Joseph Home to Mr. & Mrs. Potiphar
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Pharaoh then gave her to Joseph as his wife, inadvertently reconnecting Joseph to his true Jewish past. (McBee)
Asenath Confirms Jacob’s Crossed Blessing
2014 24" x 24"
Her role was to remind him in simple myriad ways of his family, heritage and role as Jewish leader, especially as she became mother to his two sons, future tribes of Israel. As simultaneous survivor of sexual violence and bearer of identity and tradition in a foreign environment, Asenath assures the Jewish future. (McBee & Genesis 48: 1, 17-20)