Leaving Egypt
2012 6' X 5'
My father the Pharaoh, after abducting Sarah, and being punished by God, freed her. Then he gave me as a servant to her. He thought that his own daughter would be better off in her pious home. But I was a royal princess.
Sarah’s Command
2012 6' X 5'
Because Sarah was barren she ordered me to sleep with Abraham and try to get pregnant in her place. I was being used and felt awful.
Abraham & Hagar
2012 6' X 5'
After he forced me to have sex Abraham was very tender and affectionate. I was confused. Was he my master or did he really care for me?
Hagar Pregnant
2012 6' X 5'
I immediately became pregnant and Abraham was even more affectionate. I think he fell in love with me. Sarah was so jealous.
Sarah’s Fury
2012 6' X 5'
She made it impossible for me, forcing me to to do endless tasks even though I was pregnant. But when she kicked me out Abraham did nothing.
Annunciation 1
2012 6' X 5'
I ran away as far as I could, but suddenly a great light stopped me and an angel demanded, “Return.”
Annunciation 3
2012 6' X 5'
Something wonderful was happening to me. I felt my baby kick and thanked God. The Lord was truly a God of Seeing.
Hagar Returns
2012 6' X 5'
When I came home my mistress was still angry but I could see Abraham had hoped I would return.
2012 6' X 5'
I gave birth and handed Ishmael to his father. He was overjoyed at holding the heir to his greatness. I almost felt sorry for Sarah.
The Fight
2012 6' X 5'
Somehow Sarah had managed to get pregnant and had a son. They grew up together as brothers but different as night and day. Ishmael was strong and brave while Isaac was passive. They fought over who was Abraham’s “real” son.
2012 6' X 5'
I was terrified when the water ran out and Ishmael collapsed under a barren tree. I thought he was going to die. Then God spoke to me again.
Fleeing Akeidah
2012 6' X 5'
Now I was happy to get out of Abraham and Sarah’s house. I had heard that Abraham tried to sacrifice his son and the shock of that killed Sarah. Poor woman. Ishmael and I fled as far as we could.
Return to Egypt
2012 6' X 5'
We went back to Egypt, back to my home. My father had died. An Egyptian woman would surely make a good wife for my Ishmael. I knew that God would fulfill his word that He would make Ishmael a great nation.